Thursday, May 21, 2009

Kirwin Barn

I painted the Kirwin Barn back in 1999, when I lived across the street. At 3 Pine street, I sat on my front covered porch and enjoyed a day of art. It is a 16 x 20 oil medium painting. It was one of the few paintings I did since being a teenager. I will try find others to post for your interest. If you drive by the farm today you will notice the roof of the silo is gone and the property is for sale. I will be sad to see such nostalgia go.

Friday, May 15, 2009

About Ingersoll

I am proud of were I live and what my community has to offer. Here is a link to information about Ingersoll, enjoy and come visit. While you are here come to the creative arts centre and enjoy the members art exhibit, our art will be on display until May 21.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


This little guy is on the front of a birthday card, the inside reads, "Getting old is only important if your cheese" The recipient is going to just love it.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Drop of Sunflower and Zest of Sunflower

I've returned to work (my paid job) quite steady now and wont have time for my hobby. These are my most current paintings. I found both these sunflowers so much fun to paint and I would try this type of reflextion again for sure.